Monday, January 30, 2012

Fun Stuff at Purple Carrot Books

The Purple Carrot Books website now has Fun Stuff for kids to do—coloring sheets to print and color. Plus finger puppets of your favorite characters from The Prisoner of Carrot Castle kids iPad app.

Click on a coloring page at Fun Stuff. Then print it, get your color pencils or crayons and make the picture come alive! Don't miss the Finger Puppets of your soon to be favorite characters from The Prisoner of Carrot Castle. Color them, then cut them out and tape them around a finger. Create your own stories about the imaginative adventures of Aiden in The Prisoner of Carrot Castle.

Sign up to receive email updates on the app release. Start talking about The Prisoner of Carrot Castle on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Developing an iPad App: Step Nine

You might be thinking by now that the steps to developing an iPad app never end. Well... it sometimes feels like that to us too. Since none of us have ever done an iPad app before, there's been a roller coaster learning curve and unforeseen setbacks in the schedule. Each of us on the team (Kate, Nur and myself) moved. Kate moved completely across the country last summer and I moved over Christmas.

Step Nine:
A. Beta Test
Now we're back on track and actually in beta. For those who think I'm referring to a vitamin, a beta test is when your product moves (look at that.. even the app moved) from in-house testing to actual user testing. I have volunteers with young children using the app to see if they encounter bugs or any speed/performance issues needing to be addressed before we go to launch.

Preliminary input from our testers look good on the bug front—no crashes or obvious errors. I few tweaks have been suggested to make the user experience more satisfying.

B. Fix and Upload to App Store
Based on input from our beta testers, we'll fix any problems that came up, adjust a few details in the presentation and tweak a few activities (I have a list). Then we upload it to the App Store for approval and launch.

C. Tell the World
Then I get to work contacting reviewers, telling everyone on Twitter, Facebook and Google+, notifying  newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and alerting my writer's network to spread the word to their contacts and on their blogs.

You can help by going to Purple Carrot Books and signing up to get an email when the launch happens.

Do you have experience at spreading the word about a good product?

What's your best technique to get something out there for the "world" to know about?



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