Last month Jenny Lundquist's latest middle grade novel, Plastic Polly, was released and I attended her boisterous and fun Barnes and Noble launch party. A corner of the store buzzed with activity as Jenny's fervent fans and groupies, chatted and snapped pictures—all wearing "I < 3 #plasticpolly" dark-blue t-shirts.
What would we do without our groupies? Our family and friends who believe in us and support us throughout our crazy writing journey.
Here's to friends and family!
Book Review
Plastic Polly is the #2 popular girl in middle school at Winston Academy. Most popular is Polly's best friend, Kelsey, who doesn't take to those who would differ with her. Polly is quite comfortable being a follower until she is forced to look at the reality of things. Mending a broken relationship, living up to her mom's expectations and suddenly finding herself as the PlanMaster for the most important event in Maple Oaks presents some challenging character building opportunities.
Jenny Lundquist holds strong to her inner-middle-school persona in this book, her second, for that awkward age-group. With lines like, "My voice is so sugary, I'm probably giving myself cavities," how could you not feel the attitude with angst that surrounds a young girl trying to find her own path.
This book is a must for all girls (or boys who need a clue) who are in or looking towards middle school.

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