Patti Benedict
3/2/1957 - 10/3/2009
Patti was number four of six in the family. For whatever reason, she held onto many "demons" from the past that burdened her in life. While the rest of us settled in the Sierras outside of Sacramento, she chose to move away.
Shortly after the last person left my husband Bob's birthday party Saturday night, we got the word my sister had passed away. She died in the hospital; never got home to die as she had wanted. I am so grateful we all saw her three weeks ago in the hospital before her last surgery to unblock her intestines. Most importantly her salvation was assured with a prayer I helped her pray while two of my brothers (believers) were in the room with me. Having not walked with Christ in her life, she feared death. She never got to know the Great Healer like the rest of us have. She was 52 and is survived by her husband Bob and daughter Melissa.
At the time of her passing, a brief thunder shower occurred. My three brothers and remaining sister enjoyed a magnificent display in the sky as they drove home that night. Lightening lit up the sky as it streaked from cloud to cloud. Isn't that just like our God? He wept at the pain Patti endured and then took her for a total healing. My friend Kendra, who lost her husband, calls these occurrences God winks... Indeed. What an amazing God we serve!
Patti is now at perfect peace with no pain, enjoying the healing she so longed to have. I spoke to her last Thursday and told her, even though she was dying, I would see her again in heaven. It brought tears to my eyes and, I believe, a knowing for her. She knew her final passage would bring her to Glory.Glory to the Lord Most High!
My heart goes out to you in the loss of your beloved sister, Chris. May God uphold you as you grieve, bringing to mind wonderful memories of Patti when you need them most.